Rants of a College kid

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I'm back!

Hey all! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Been working and kinda busy. My car decided to break on me. Transmission is shot. So I'm kinda screwed on that account. I'm supposed to start driving for work, well thats not gonna happen obviously. I drive tomorrow and then I can't drive anymore. Oh well I guess. Car was a piece of crap anyways. Sorry I havne't checked everyones blogs lately. I'm gonna try to catch up on that.


  • At 4:40 PM, Blogger Lone Pony said…

    Welcome back Maddie. Sorry about the car. Hope your Valentine's Day was better.

  • At 10:25 PM, Blogger DaddysGirl said…

    Haha, I wish I could say my valentines day was better. I worked all day and night. So oh well!

  • At 10:18 AM, Blogger Crazy Politico said…

    Work builds character, and god knows we need more characters in the family.

  • At 10:23 AM, Blogger Mike said…

    Hey Maddie....I'm Happy to see you back. I was beginning to get worried about you. :-) I'm sorry to hear about your car. Happy belated Valentines day.


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